How Much Dem Senators Have Given to the DSCC

This diary is in reaction to the diary about former Democrat Joe Lieberman giving more money to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) than most Democratic Senators. It’s also a try to get another “use it or lose it” campaign going.

All numbers below the fold.

UPDATE 8/13/2008:

When I looked through all the numbers I was surprised that several Senators did not have a PAC. I now learned that Sen. Schumer does have a PAC (Impact). For some reason it’s not listed on Open Secret’s Chuck Schumer page. His PAC has contributed to the DSCC and individual Senate candidates. I’ve updated the numbers below.

Listed below are all the members of the Democratic Caucus in the U.S. Senate with their current cash-on-hand numbers of their campaign accounts and their PACs. Listed below are the amounts given to the DSCC through their campaign accounts (not sure if there are any legal limits) and through their PACs (I think the legal limit here is $15,000 per quarter, not sure though). Also listed are contributions either through their campaign committees or their PACs to individual Democratic candidtes for the Senate in 2008.

I researched the numbers using the FEC homepage and the list of leadership PACs provided by Open Secrets.

Daniel Akaka (2012):

current CoH: $101k

current PAC CoH: none found

DSCC: $50,000

DSCC through PAC: n/a

2008 Sen candidates: $0

total given: $50,000

Max Baucus (2008)

current CoH: $5,457k

current PAC CoH: $309k

DSCC: $585,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $75,000

total given: $690,000

Evan Bayh (2010)

current CoH: $10,634k

current PAC CoH: $572k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $0

2008 Sen candidates: $12,000

total given: $12,000

Joe Biden (2008)

current CoH: 2,000k

current PAC CoH: $49k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $35,000

total given: $65,000

Jeff Bingaman (2012)

current CoH: $759k

current PAC CoH: none found

DSCC: $250,000

DSCC through PAC: n/a

2008 Sen candidates: $29,000

total given: $279,000

Barbara Boxer (2010)

current CoH: 3,547k

current PAC CoH: $427k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $79,500

total given: $109,500

Sherrod Brown (2012)

current CoH: $768k

current PAC CoH:64k

DSCC: $150,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $91,000

total given: $271,000

Robert Byrd (2012)

current CoH: $110k

current PAC CoH: none found

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: n/a

2008 Sen candidates: $0

total given: $0

Maria Cantwell (2012)

current CoH: $81k

current PAC CoH: none found

DSCC: $10,000

DSCC through PAC: n/a

2008 Sen candidates: $1,000

total given: $11,000

Ben Cardin (2012)

current CoH: $195k

current PAC CoH: $32k

DSCC: $105,000

DSCC through PAC: $20,000

2008 Sen candidates: $6,600  

total given: $131,600

Thomas Carper (2012)

current CoH: $903k

current PAC CoH: $174k

DSCC: $350,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $92,000

total given: $472,000

Bob Casey (2012)

current CoH: $92k

current PAC CoH: none found

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: n/a

2008 Sen candidates: $10,000

total given: $10,000

Hillary Clinton (2012)

current CoH: $278k

current PAC CoH: $5k

DSCC: $100,000

DSCC through PAC: $0

2008 Sen candidates: $0

total given: $100,000

Kent Conrad (2012)

current CoH: $2,067k

current PAC CoH: $77k

DSCC: $200,000

DSCC through PAC: $45,000

2008 Sen candidates: $92,500

total given: $337,500

Chris Dodd (2010)

current CoH: $123k

current PAC CoH: $115k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $0

2008 Sen candidates: $0

total given: $0

Byron Dorgan (2010)

current CoH: $1,430k

current PAC CoH: $89k

DSCC: $75,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $16,500

total given: $121,500

Dick Durbin (2008)

current CoH: $8,145k

current PAC CoH: $121k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $150,000

total given: $180,000

Russ Feingold (2010)

current CoH: $2,277k

current PAC CoH: $369K

DSCC: $45,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $46,500

total given: $121,500

Dianne Feinstein (2012)

current CoH: $2,697k

current PAC CoH: none found

DSCC: $500,000

DSCC through PAC: n/a

2008 Sen candidates: $0

total given: $500,000

Tom Harkin (2008)

current CoH: $4,109k

current PAC CoH: $21k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $20,000

2008 Sen candidates: $85,000

total given: 105,000

Daniel Inouye (2010)

current CoH: $1,206k

current PAC CoH: $21k

DSCC: $175,000

DSCC through PAC: $30k

2008 Sen candidates: $120,000 (plus $10k for Ted Stevens)

total given: $325,000

Tim Johnson (2008)

current CoH: $2,724k

current PAC CoH: $58k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $0

2008 Sen candidates: $11,500

total given: $11,500

Ted Kennedy (2012)

current CoH: $5,657k

current PAC CoH: $130k

DSCC: $250,000

DSCC through PAC: $15,000

2008 Senate candidates: $49,500

total given: $314,500

John Kerry (2008)

current CoH: $8,829k

current PAC CoH: $80k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Senate candidates: $27,000

total given: $67,000

Amy Klobuchar (2012)

current CoH: $504k

current PAC CoH: $73k

DSCC: $50,000

DSCC through PAC: $43,500

2008 Sen candidates: $48,300

total given: $141,800

Herb Kohl (2012)

current CoH: $15k

current PAC CoH: none found

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: n/a

2008 Sen candidates: $0

total given: $0

Mary Landrieu (2008)

current CoH: $5,515k

current PAC CoH: $23k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $78,500

total given: $108,500

Frank Lautenberg (2008)

current CoH: $1,290k

current PAC CoH: none found

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: n/a

2008 Sen candidates: $0

total given: $0

Patrick Leahy (2010)

current CoH: $1,121k

current PAC CoH: $180k

DSCC: $110,000

DSCC through PAC: $15,000

2008 Sen candidates: $100,000

total given: $225,000

Carl Levin (2008)

current CoH: 4,341k

current PAC CoH: none found

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: n/a

2008 Sen candidates: $28,000

total given: $28,000

Blanche Lincoln (2010)

current CoH: $526k

current PAC CoH: $289k

DSCC: $100,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $68,000

total given: $198,000

Claire McCaskill (2012)

current CoH: $78k

current PAC CoH: $19k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $28,300

total given: $58,300

Robert Menendez (2012)

current CoH: $824k

current PAC CoH: $267k

DSCC: $110,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $72,500

total given: $212,500

Barbara Mikulski (2010)

current CoH: $658k

current PAC CoH: $51k

DSCC: $10,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $39,000

total given: $79,000

Patty Murray (2010)

current CoH: $2,047k

current PAC CoH: $108k

DSCC: $200,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $108,500

total given: $338,500

Bill Nelson (2012)

current CoH: $1,817k

current PAC CoH: $26k

DSCC: $150,000

DSCC through PAC: $20,000

2008 Sen candidates: $63,500

total given: $233,500

Ben Nelson (2012)

current CoH: $296k

current PAC CoH: $211k

DSCC: $90,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $25,000

total given: $145,000

Barack Obama (2010)

current CoH: $122k

current PAC CoH: $96k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $15,000

2008 Sen candidates: $68,000

total given: $83,000

Mark Pryor (2008)

current CoH: $3,606k

current PAC CoH: $90k

DSCC: $200,000

DSCC through PAC: $15,000

2008 Sen candidates: $52,400

total given: $267,400

Jack Reed (2008)

current CoH: $3,788k

current PAC CoH: $87k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $112,500

total given: $142,500

Harry Reid (2010)

current CoH: $2,511k

current PAC CoH: $685k

DSCC: $105,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $200,000

total given: $335,000

Jay Rockefeller (2008)

current CoH: $3,336k

current PAC CoH: none found

DSCC: $350,000

DSCC through PAC: n/a

2008 Sen candidates: $4,000

total given: $354,000

Ken Salazar (2010)

current CoH: $1,838k

current PAC CoH: $60k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $55,000

total given: $85,000

Chuck Schumer (2010)


current CoH: $10,309k

current PAC CoH: $150k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $210,000

total given: $240,000

Debbie Stabenow (2012)

current CoH: $347k

current PAC CoH: $71k

DSCC: $60,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $88,000

total given: $178,000

Jon Tester (2012)

current CoH: $62k

current PAC CoH: $31k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $35,000

2008 Sen candidates: $4,000

total given: $39,000

Jim Webb (2012)

current CoH: $171k

current PAC CoH: $67k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $20,000

2008 Sen candidates: $11,000

total given: $31,000

Sheldon Whitehouse (2012)

current CoH: $41k

current PAC CoH: $28k

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: $43,500

2008 Sen candidates: $90,000

total given: $133,500

Ron Wyden (2010)

current CoH: $1,266k

current PAC CoH: $186k

DSCC: $100,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $18,000

total given: $148,000

Independents caucsing with Democrats:

Bernie Sanders (2012)

current CoH: $55k

current PAC CoH: none found

DSCC: $0

DSCC through PAC: n/a

2008 Sen candidates: $0

total given: $0

Joe Lieberman (2012)

current CoH: 2,011k

current PAC CoH: $489k

DSCC: $100,000

DSCC through PAC: $30,000

2008 Sen candidates: $22,500

total given: $152,500

These numbers vary from the Lieberman diary cited above because any contributions after June 30 were not included in the totals.


All amounts above are for the 2007/2008 cycle up until June 30, 2008. Any money contributed to the DSCC or individual candidates by these Senators since July 1 is not included in the totals! So, there may have been some changes in the past few weeks.

Also, please take each Senator individually. Some have very low Cash-on-Hand numbers, so they wouldn’t be able to give much. Others have millions and are sitting on it. Others have competetive races this year. Some are Freshmen, some are recuperating from their presidential campaigns.

Anyway, there clearly are a couple of people who should be targeted by another “use it or lose it” campaign. What do you think?

Cross posted at Daily Kos, MyDD & Open Left